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South Park
San Francisco
Fletcher Studio collaborated with Miracle Playsystems to create a unique serpentine form net climber for this contemporary park. David Fletcher’s team worked with Miracle Playsystems designs in an innovative process to create a continuous and artful play experience.
South Park is San Francisco’s oldest park, dating back to 1854. For more than 150 years, South Park has served as a quiet escape from the hectic pace of a bustling SOMA. The City of San Francisco’s Recreation and Park Department is working with the South Park Improvement Association, Fletcher Studio Landscape, park neighbors and community leaders to develop a master plan for the park’s renovation.
Miracle Playsystems Inc. was brought in by the City of San Francisco’s Neighborhood Service Managers to meet with the parks bordering residents and businesses in 2010. With the passing of a San Francisco Bond Measure, South Park is a 2012 Parks Bond Fund Recipient.
South Park Improvement Association hired Fletcher Studio to work with the neighbors and community leaders to develop a master plan for the park. The proposed plan will provide a variety of spaces, including a play area, a stage, a large open meadow, and plazas of varying scale. The new design will be a contemporary interpretation of the classic picturesque park. It will provide many amenities along a thickened and programmatic pathway. Improvements will include bulb-outs and chicanes for traffic calming, a custom play area, plazas, seat walls, bio-infiltration swales, and a rainwater cistern for irrigation usage.

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